Emergency Care

We do understand that sometimes, accidents or dental emergencies happen to our children unpredictably. For a parent, even  though it is a reason to be panic, you should stay calm for your children’s sake, and contact our office at (510) 879-6181 immediately or call 911 to seek for urgent assistance. 

If your child is experiencing any following symptoms or conditions, he or she may need an emergency dental care. Our doctors and team are here to help. When emergencies like broken teeth, severe toothaches, and many other conditions occur, it’s important to seek treatment for your child as soon as possible. Our dentists can help to save the tooth, and if possible, and reduce the risk of extensive dental care. 


Toothache: Clean the area of the affected tooth. Rinse the mouth thoroughly with warm water or use dental floss to dislodge any food that may be impacted. If the pain still exists, contact your child's dentist. Do not place aspirin or heat on the gum or on the aching tooth. If the face is swollen, apply cold compresses and contact our office immediately.

Cut or Bitten Tongue, Lip or Cheek: Apply ice to injured areas to help control swelling. If there is bleeding, apply firm but gentle pressure with a gauze or cloth. If bleeding cannot be controlled by simple pressure, call our office immediately or visit the nearest hospital emergency room.

Knocked Out Permanent Tooth: If possible, find the tooth. Handle it by the crown, not by the root. You may rinse the tooth with water only. DO NOT clean with soap, scrub or handle the tooth unnecessarily. Inspect the tooth for fractures. If it is sound, try to reinsert it in the socket. Have the patient hold the tooth in place by biting on a gauze or clean cloth. If you cannot reinsert the tooth, transport the tooth in a cup containing the patient’s saliva or milk, NOT water. Do not place a knocked-out tooth inside a younger child’s mouth, as he or she may swallow the tooth. Bring your child to see our dentists IMMEDIATELY! Time is a critical factor in saving the tooth. 

Knocked Out Baby Tooth: Unlike with a permanent tooth, the baby tooth should not be replanted due to possible damage to the developing permanent tooth.  In most cases, no treatment is necessary. Contact our office if you found something unusual. 

Chipped/Fractured Permanent Tooth: Time is a critical factor, contact our office immediately so as to reduce the chance for infection or the need for extensive dental treatment in the future. Rinse the mouth with water and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling.  If you can find the broken tooth piece, bring it with you to the dentist. 

Chipped/Fractured Baby Tooth: Contact our office to make an appointment. 

Dental Abscess

An abscessed tooth is an extremely painful infection that forms inside the tooth’s root. If an abscess is present, your child may suffer from swollen gums, fever, or a bad taste in his or her mouth. Call our office immediately if you suspect a tooth abscess, as the infection can spread to other areas of your child’s body if left untreated.

Lost and Loose Fillings

Children who have had tooth fillings placed may experience a dislodged or even a missing filling from time to time. If your child has a lost or loose tooth filling, call our office immediately to make an appointment.

Severe Blow to the Head: Call 911 immediately or bring your child to the nearest hospital emergency room.

Possible Broken or Fractured Jaw: Keep the jaw from moving and take your child to the nearest hospital emergency room.